Beagle Welfare Treasure Hunt

The organiser of the recent charity treasure hunt at Bodkin’s, Ros Biggs,  writes:

“Many thanks to everyone who came along to the Beagle Welfare Treasure Hunt on 23rd June.  I have received lots of fantastic feedback and it seems that everyone had a great time!  The event was won by team “Go with the Flo” who have kindly donated their £50 voucher winnings back to Beagle Welfare!

To date the event has raised £1,152 plus another £211.50 that was taken on the Beagle Welfare merchandise stall.  To all the wonderful organisations, individuals, friends and family who allowed us to use their land, facilities, provided items for the goody bags, vouchers for the raffle and gave up their time to help on the day – THANK YOU ALL!

I’ve posted the photos (as public) on my Facebook page  –

Ros Biggs”

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