Following the website post earlier this month asking for volunteers to be zone co-ordinators for the village Emergency Plan, two people have come forward: one to cover the western end of the High Street (Zone 3) and the other, Wessex Way (Zone 4).
More people are needed to cover the rest of the village, and, ideally, to cover additional parts of Zone 3 (see below).
The role of zone co-ordinator is not onerous but they will play a pivotal role if the emergency plan is triggered, as they will be the first point of contact to get information about who in their zone needs priority assistance.
There is more information in the Draft Emergency Plan.
The areas that still need to be covered are:
Zone 1 – Westfield Road
Zone 2 – Saxons Heath and all of Didcot Road up to, but EXCLUDING The Crescent
Zone 3a – The Crescent, Concrete Fieldside, Greenways.
Zone 3b – Three Poplars Park
Zone 5 – Fieldside (excluding Concrete Fieldside), High Street from The Cross to Lower Farm, including Northfield Lane and Little Wittenham Road
If you would like to discuss the role or volunteer please email Parish Councillor Liz Yuille at or call 01865 407110.