Our Member of Parliament, David Johnston, has launched a Health Services Survey, the aim of which is to get a constituency-wide picture of which health services local people think we need more of, such as GP surgeries, to keep pace with the growing population.
This is a non-political survey; all the questions relate solely to health services and are designed to demonstrate the strength of feeling from local people on this issue.
You can access the survey here: www.david-johnston.org.uk/health.
The deadline for responses is 17th April. The more people that complete it, the stronger the message.
Paper copies of the survey may be requested from david.johnston.mp@parliament.uk.
Health providers need, with urgency, to be given a status with some weight in the planning process, maybe as statutory consultees in major applications, to ensure that an adequate health provision network, including dentistry & other services, are identified & funded before permissions are given.