Kler Plan Rejected

Last evening, South Oxfordshire District Council’s planning committee rejected plans by Kler Group to realign the Didcot Road to facilitate the entrance to their housing development on the corner of Didcot Road and Fieldside.  Seven councillors voted to reject the application and three abstained.

Speaking against the proposals were Steve Brown on behalf of the parish council and District Councillor Sue Lawson.  District council planning officers had recommended approval, but members of the planning committee rejected Kler’s proposals saying that they would be dangerous to road users and were not acceptable as they would turn a rural road into an urban highway out of keeping with a village environment and in contravention of the village’s Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Ten village residents including people living in Didcot Road, who would have been directly affected if the Kler road plan had been approved, attended the planning committee meeting in Didcot Civic Hall.  Ron Carter who lives on Didcot Road said the vote was a victory for common sense.

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2 Responses to Kler Plan Rejected

  1. Steve Stratton says:

    How long do Kler have to appeal this decision?

  2. Steve Brown says:

    Hi Steve I found the attached on the Government’s Planning Portal which is their official site for planning matters.

    Appeal a planning decision – GOV.UK
    Deadline for appealing. If you disagree with a decision, you must appeal within 6 months of the date on the decision notice from your local planning authority. If they did not make a decision within 8 weeks, you can appeal up to 6 months after the decision was due.

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