NDP Revisions Completed

The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has finally been revised, and has been re-submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) this week.

Over two years ago, Historic England raised objections to the NDP as it stood and their objections were insurmountable without a lot more work.  The revised site for the Community Hub has been subjected to further archaeological investigation, undertaken on the Parish Council’s behalf by Thomas Homes.  The findings were inconclusive, but possibly showed another Anglo-Saxon Palace.  The NDP has been amended to take this into account and there is agreement with Historic England that the revised plan is acceptable to them.

There will now be a further wait while SODC negotiates with the examiner about the next steps.  Hopefully, the examiner will only require one more public consultation before proceeding to a referendum.

In the meantime, a revised Community Hub site plan is being discussed with Thomas Homes, including the new school and village hall.  Once the NDP has passed the final examination, it will be possible to proceed to a planning application.

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