Acklings playground has been granted Asset of Community Value (ACV) status by South Oxfordshire District Council. The Parish Council nominated the playground which has been used by residents for many years.
The land is owned by St John’s College to which the Parish Council pays an annual rent. ACV status means that if the college wants to sell the land in the future the village would be given the opportunity to buy it for the community. ACVs were introduced as part of the government’s Localism Act in 2011. Acklings will be listed as an ACV for the next five years.
In order to get Acklings registered, the Parish Council sought the support of village groups and individuals who use the playground, including the Pre-School which uses it weekly for its “Forest School”.
Parish councillor Martin Elliff said: “Thanks to the response from village groups and residents we have managed to protect Acklings for the future. It is a valuable asset for Long Wittenham and I hope villagers will continue to make use of it.”