Village Hall

The search for a new village hall site has taken another step forward. The Village Hall Action Group comprising the parish council, village hall committee and the school has agreed to pay £6,500 to a London-based architects practice to carry out a feasibility study into the five sites proposed for a new hall and school.

After reviewing five quotes the group felt that Zerozero, a small practice based in London, had more experience in community projects and offered best value. It proposes to carry out the study in February and March and hopes to have a report and plans ready for the annual parish meeting on May 9.

The five sites being investigated are: Bodkins Field, Ward’s Field at the back of the museum, land at Challis Farm off Didcot Road, another piece of land further along Didcot Road and a site off Fieldside.

The parish council will contribute £4,000 towards the cost of the study.

The school has put in £1,500 the village hall committee £1,000.

The purpose of the study is to establish the suitability of the five sites and develop a preliminary sketch design. This will enable potential construction costs and residual land values to be assessed and further understand any funding requirements that may be necessary. In addition the existing village hall and school sites have been identified for market housing which would cross subsidise the cost associated with the school and community facilities.

The existing school is nearing capacity and a new school linked to a new village hall would, says the action group “create an efficient and effective solution” to satisfy all the needs of the village.

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2 Responses to Village Hall

  1. Gemma southey says:

    Hi I’m trying to get hold of someone to hire the hall if someone could get in contact that would be great. Thanks Gemma

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