The Parish of Long Wittenham 1800-1920: A Brief History
Chronicle No. 1: The Crop Marks of Ancient Long Wittenham, Gravestones, Robert Gibbings & A.E. Coppard, Churchwardens & Their Accounts, Professor William Macmillan, Dawber’s House, The Church of the Tudors & Stuarts, Fred Carter
Chronicle No. 2: Queen Edith – Lady of the Manor, Recipes for a Feast, Church Farm, The Haywards, The River Thames & Clifton Ferry, Henry “Harry” Woodley
Chronicle No. 3: Wheelwrighting, Poor Heath Charity, Shopping in Long Wittenham, The Social Structure of Elizabethan Long Wittenham, The Vicarage, A.E. Coppard
Chronicle No. 4: Long Wittenham Friendly Society 1836-1957, The Clifton Hampden-Long Wittenham Boundary Dispute, Brian Holland Our Puritan Vicar, Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor for Long Wittenham 1763-1794, Lottie Thatcher, Cholera & The Day of Humiliation
Chronicle No. 5: Clues to the Life and Times of Sir Thomas White, The Sale of Lovegreve Farm, A Year in the Life of Long Wittenham 1890
Chronicle No. 6: The Long Wittenham Shield, Bishop Birinus, Gilbert the Red, History of Education in the 19th Century, The School Day, Long Wittenham School
Chronicle No. 7: The Misses Roxburgh, The Church Courts in the 16th & 17th Centuries, Royal Astronomers, The Tower Sundial of St Mary‘s Church, French’s, Fashion in the 1900s
Chronicle No. 8: Wars from the Iron Age to the Norman Conquest, The Civil War 1642-1651, The 7th Photo Reconnaissance Group 1943-1945
Chronicle No. 9: A Walkabout Guide to Long Wittenham
Chronicle No. 10: The Millenium Chronicle
Chronicle No. 11: Golden Days, The Search for the Chambers Family, The Wittenham Backwater
Chronicle No. 12: A brief history of the first hundred years of the Long Wittenham Athletic Club 1902 – 2002