Following a number of comments and complaints from residents about speeding within the village, particularly on the Didcot Road passing Saxons Heath, the parish council consulted the local Neighbourhood Policing Team for advice.
They have suggested that the village participates in a scheme called “Community Speedwatch”. The scheme puts power into the hands of volunteers to collect data and deter speeding. It does not need a police presence to carry it out and it can be done as little or often as needed.
PCSO Marie Deacon said: “Often residents perceive there to be a speeding problem; however when they start collecting data it becomes clear that there actually isn’t. In other cases it proves that there is an issue, and we have recently had good results from another local speed watch village and because of their hard work the site has now been authorised to have the speed van.
Information about the scheme and a video showing how it works are here:
To set up the scheme at least two volunteers are needed and a signed indemnity form to
use the equipment, which is a road side sign which flashes up the drivers speed.
Residents who would like to volunteer to set up this scheme in Long Wittenham, should contact the parish clerk at
I would do this for certain,just let me know ,obviously I can only do wkends and some evenings as I work but as one of the complaining villager am certainly willing to do my bit.
Hopefully you will get a good response on this.
would like to add a simple speed hump before Saxons heath would work .
I find an effective way of dealing with the speed merchants, especially if I am coming through the village, is to start slowing down and indicating a right turn much earlier than I need to so the blighters have to slow down as they can’t overtake me. If I am feeling really annoyed with them I stop before turning right!