The Parish Council has been advised that the long awaited remedial work to the road narrowing on Didcot Road is due to start on 24th October. It is expected to be completed on 28th October and the road will be closed each night from 10pm to 6am.
The road hump at the narrowing is too low and the slopes too flat, so it has to be removed and relaid to the proper height with steeper ramps. This should make it more effective at slowing vehicles through the narrowing.
At the same time, a new “Keep Clear” road marking will be painted at the Saxons Heath junction. This should protect the entrance from queueing traffic at peak times.
Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Mostrim Groundworks Ltd on 07517 907601 quoting reference T10949/MR.
Does anyone know if there is a plan to create a pedestrian route from Fieldside into the new houses so pedestrians/cyclists can use the new zebra crossing? I thought this was in the plans but maybe I am misremembering.
It would be good to have an alternative to praying someone isn’t going to barrel round the corner and wipe you out when crossing Didcot Road.
There will be a footpath entrance/exit on Fieldside to the new estate, which will provide a pedestrian route between the zebra crossing and Fieldside:
Ah that’s the map I was looking for. Thank you.