South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) has launched a new round of funding from the Councillor Community Grants scheme, with applicants being encouraged to think about funding for projects that would contribute to the district council’s Corporate Plan priorities: to protect and restore our natural world; take action on the climate emergency; and improve economic and community wellbeing.
Every South Oxfordshire ward has up to £5,000 per district councillor to award to projects or services that offer community benefits to their residents.
Not-for profit community organisations and town and parish councils in South Oxfordshire can apply for grants from £250 up to a maximum of £5,000 from each councillor.
There is more information on the SODC website.
Community organisations who want to apply, should contact our district councillor, Sam Casey-Rerhaye, at to discuss their application.
The deadline for applications is Friday 2nd September 2022.
I noticed on a recent visit to Garsington that the Wheatley rd had the pavement resurfaced. Could this not be something we could have in Long Wittenham so residents can walk safely?I have mentioned before the state of the pavements when money was spent on 20 mph speed limit which is totally ignored as I witness daily
So spend some money that will benefit all villagers who walk especially the elderly and mothers with young children.
Thank you