Several residents have approached the Parish Council recently asking if anything can be done to improve the mobile phone signal in the village.
The council has no powers to influence the location of mobile phone masts, but resident Jim Brown has done a detailed survey of mobile phone reception in the village and you can read his report here.
Wow that made for some interesting reading, thanks Jim
Thanks Sally!
Calling it ‘interesting’ might be a bit much, but I hope it is at least helpful to anyone who might be having problems.
I’ve lived here for the last 18 years. For 13 of those years I worked from home and constantly frustrated my colleagues and managers with the lack of signal and subsequent communication. I have to pay £45 per month for a land line because we don’t have a mobile signal.
The last 12 years we have owned the lease on the pub
Mobile x 2 (mine and my husbands mobile) costs £60 per month so my monthly comms bill is £105 plus our broadband costs of £43 per month.
The pub phone line costs us £100 per month plus £102 broadband per month plus mobile costs redemption of £100 per month.
If we had a good mobile signal it would save me minimum £150 per month. Which would make a massive difference to our pub put goings which I hope you know and appreciate could contribute to keeping your only pub open