There has been a lot of activity recently and there are now five action groups set up. All groups would welcome more support, volunteers and input – please do get in touch. Scroll down for more information and updates on each groups’ actions.
Village Hall / Leisure Facilities (Cath Nicholson / 407987)
The action group has published the conclusions of a feasibility study to create a sustainable community hub in Long Wittenham that incorporates a village hall, primary school and other facilities that will benefit our village today and in the future. Details of the proposals can be found here.
Traffic and Parking (Clifford Bosley/ 407482)
A range of parking and traffic issues have been identified. Traffic volumes, it has been agreed, are the major concern; establishing vehicle volumes the priority. Highways to be contacted to see whether it is possible to fit a meter to monitor High Street volumes 24 hours a day for minimum of a week. If not, enough villagers have volunteered to carry out a manual count.
Appearance and Sustainability (Janet Haylett / 407382)
Look out for the next litter pick being organised by the group later in the year. There will soon be information on the homepage about disposing of other non-wheelie bin rubbish. Let us know of specific appearance issues and we will see what we can do. Contact Janet for more information about the oil bulk-buying scheme and the possibility of group buying of PV solar panels. See the homepage for more energy (and money!) saving ideas.
Footpath to Clifton Hampden (Keith Tucker / 407915)
This action group has now identified a favored route for a safe, level path which should also be suitable for bicycles and pushchairs. Unfortunately the interim solution was not viable, but we have high hopes of making real progress during 2013 and negotiations are progressing with interested parties.
Village Shop (Mark Pritchard / 408574)
We have been researching a number of options. Our view is that a full service shop is not currently a realistic approach for the village, given the range of other local retail facilities, lack of premises, etc. We have been looking into options including part-time shop, a monthly market and a local produce directory. Let us know your views – and whether you can help.
If you wish to be part of an action group for one of the following subjects please contact or phone Catherine Nicholson on 407987.