A resident has suggested that elderly villagers might benefit from a ‘village car service’ for taking people to hospital and doctors etc.
Such services are common in other villages and Community First Oxfordshire has produced a useful information sheet. The organisation can also provide a representative to talk through how such a scheme could work.
Volunteers are needed who would be interested in being part of the scheme. The more who come forward, the less the load. It will also require one or two people to take the lead in organising it.
If you would like to volunteer, please send an email to the Parish Clerk at longwittpc@hotmail.co.uk. Please say if you would be prepared to take a lead role.
If memory serves me correctly this was something that used to happen here 30 or so years ago but it seems to have fizzled out as the providers themselves became older. It would be good to re-start it. It may not be long before I need to use it myself!!
Great idea if there are enough volunteers prepared to help.
I agree with above. I seem to remember there was a system a while back. John and I would most certainly be grateful to such a service once again. Diana w.