Bachport Needs Your Support

The planning application for the quarry near Clifton Hampden is set to go to the Oxfordshire County Council Planning Committee, which meets on Monday 27th November at 2pm at County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND.

Bachport (Burcot & Clifton Hampden for the Protection of the River Thames) is asking for its supporters to attend this meeting.  This will show community opposition to a planning application that has raised serious concerns on multiple levels, not least by the Council’s Highways Authority, which has said the quarry would cause “severe harm” to road safety, threatens air quality and risks plans for a much needed new road link and river crossing between Didcot and Culham.

In advance of the meeting on 27th November, the council has released papers which, at first glance, look promising, as refusal of the quarry application is recommended on the basis of the traffic issues.  However, Hills, the quarry applicant, has since met with the council and suggested ways in which quarry-generated HGV movements may be limited at peak travel times.  How the Planning Committee respond to this gesture may well dictate the outcome.

Your attendance at the meeting will remind the decision-makers that their choices affect real people, residents and tourists alike, daily commuters, local businesses, Culham Science Centre employees, school children, the environment, the Green Belt – in a nutshell, all of us and our future for years to come.

The Bachport website is:

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