New investments and protection for frontline services are the chief features of the budget that Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) has set for 2021-22 and beyond.
The council is investing in services that will have positive long-term impact for local communities. The budget reflects this, with more than £25m of additional funding included. Some of this funding has been previously agreed, but £9.5m of this is new for 2021-22 to help meet additional demands, including within adult social care.
A total of £19.6m of savings will also take place in total across all services although £14.6m of these savings were already planned and are centred on the transformation of services to make them more efficient while protecting the frontline.
A 1.99 per cent rise in basic council tax will take place from April plus an extra one per cent which would be required to be spent on adult social care under national rules, making a total of 2.99%.
More information on the OCC news website.