Covid-19 Testing in Oxfordshire

South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) has asked the Parish Council to share the following information with residents:

We’ve been made aware of a worrying trend of people turning up at hospitals in Oxfordshire, asking to be tested for Covid-19.  This is possibly as a result of the national issue with testing capacity, where people have struggled to book a test online.  We are therefore supporting our NHS and Public Health colleagues in pushing out the extremely important message that people with symptoms must NOT go to a hospital.  Testing does not take place in hospital settings and by turning up people are putting extra strain on resources by having to turn people away and also potentially putting vulnerable people at risk.

If you are struggling to book a test online, the advice is to keep trying as it’s only possible to book a slot when one becomes available.  Slots become available throughout the day so it may take a few attempts at different times of the day.

Only book a test if you’re displaying symptoms.  You can book a test by calling 119 or by registering online via

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