Free Spring Bulbs

In a bid to bring some cheer to the village next Spring, the Parish Council has purchased a quantity of daffodil bulbs which it would like to see planted throughout the village.

If you would like a free bag of bulbs that you could plant in your front garden, either in the ground or in a pot, or even in the grass verge outside your property, then the council would love to hear from you.  Please plant them at the front of your property so that they give pleasure to as many villagers as possible.

Please tell any neighbours who may not see this message about the scheme.

To order your bulbs, contact Cllr Sally Duff at or call 07899 097612.  Provide your name, address and contact details and Sally will deliver them direct to you.

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2 Responses to Free Spring Bulbs

  1. Margaret Smith says:

    I have some pots I could plant daffs in out the front on the front edge of the front garden

  2. Elaine Martin says:

    There is a strip of land outside our lounges in Chilton that is an eyesore, so I have put some soil on it & want to plant some daffs there so that we can all enjoy them

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