The Parish Council has been advised by the Traffic Regulations Team at Oxfordshire County Council of the closure of two sections of Sires Hill commencing on 4th February 2021.
The closure is to facilitate the installation of fibre optic cables which is anticipated to be completed by 1st April 2021.
Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are in force. The alternative route for traffic is via the A4130, Hadden Hill, Abingdon Road, Lady Grove, Sires Hill and vice versa.
The Traffic Regulations Team has provided two maps showing the extent of the closure and the alternative route for traffic: Map1 / Map2.
Further information may be obtained from Andrea Fennessy on 0208 7314631 or email quoting reference T8396/AC.
Are we able to get to the car park at Wittenham Clumps from Wallingford? The roads that are shown on map 1 and map 2 to be closed were not closed but another one was. The map shows that we can get thru from Wallingford but this wasn’t the case this morning. The bollards were completely across the road.
You are right. The actual closures do not match those specified on the maps provided by OCC. I asked OCC to explain the situation and they said that they would take it up with the contractor that is responsible for the roadworks. If and when I get clarification, I will post it here.
This is a joke all the roads being closed at the moment is ridiculous. A4130 due to have major road works from the 1st March, A 4130 in Wallingford having fibre optic installed and road one side closed with traffic lights are the OCC not aware that a lockdown happened last year where this work could have been completed and schools going back soon these roads will be jammed full of traffic going into didcot. What a joke this will all be somebody needs to realise what impact this has on the local community.
Is Sires Hill open now ?
As at 22nd March, the section of Sires Hill from the junction with Didcot Road to the Wallingford Road is open. The section from the junction with Didcot Road to the A4016 (Lady Grove) is under traffic lights control.