Village Hall 200 Club Coordinator Needed

The Village Hall Committee urgently needs to fill a vacancy for the 200 Club Coordinator.

Long Wittenham Village Hall is an important facility in the village, being central to the life of the community.  It is used by a wide range of institutions, clubs and societies including Long Wittenham Pre-school and also for private functions — literally hundreds of people each year make use of the Hall.

The Village Hall 200 Club is a Small Society Lottery licensed under the Gambling Act 2005.  The objectives of the lottery are to raise funds to assist in the upkeep of the hall.  The continuing existence of Village Hall  depends on this income.

The Lottery runs from 6th April to 5th April the following year.  There are a maximum of 200 members (normally 170-180 in practice) who each subscribe £1 per month.  Subscriptions are collected annually in advance (£12) from the end March until the first monthly draw in mid-April.  Late joiners will pay in advance £1 per month for the remaining months of the year.  Subscriptions are collected by a team of volunteers (usually 5 in number) who are each allocated a “Round”, being a defined area of Long Wittenham.  Each Round consists of about 60 dwellings.

There are monthly draws with up to 5 prizes month — 3, 4 or 5 @ £10 paid in cash, and 2 @ £50 or 2 @ £100 quarterly prizes paid by cheque.  Traditionally the draws have been done manually in the third week of the month during the Long Wittenham Lunch Club meeting.  Alternatively it can be done on a computer using a suitable application such as List Randomizer.

Summary of Responsibilities:

  1. To maintain a record of all the members of the Club and the subscriptions paid and prizes distributed
  2. To liaise with the Treasurer of Long Wittenham Village Hall who will annually provide the Rule Books for handing to each member on payment of their subscription
  3. To appoint and organize the volunteers to collect subscriptions
  4. To hand over monies collected to the Treasurer as necessary
  5. To hold a monthly draw:  collect the prize monies from Treasurer;  distribute the prizes;  post the results on the two village notice boards (located at the Village Hall and Saxons Heath) and on the Long Wittenham Website
  6. To attend the Village Hall Committee meetings that are held three times per year, as a full member of the Committee

Most of the work falls in March and April.  After that it is estimated the time needed to discharge the responsibilities is about one hour per month.

If you are interested in this role please contact Village Hall Committee Chairman Barrie Henderson on 01865 407314 or at

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