As you may be aware, flooding in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse is continuing to have an impact on waste collection services. This is due to a number of road closures across the two districts. The flooding and its associated impact is set to worsen over the next 24 hours.
We have been advising residents in both districts that, if their waste is not collected on their scheduled collection day*, they are to leave the bins on the roadside and crews will attempt to pick them up the following day.
At present, the increased severity of the flooding is having a continued knock-on effect on waste collections and these catch-up services are slowed down. The waste crews are working extremely hard to minimise any delays, however as the situation worsens this is becoming increasingly difficult due to the flooding itself, the associated road closures, and traffic congestion.
The Biffa street cleaning crews are currently working into the evening to assist with the filling and distribution of sandbags. These crews would normally be deployed to help the waste collection crews catch up after delays, but we are sure you’ll understand that protecting people’s homes from flooding has to be our first priority at the moment.