Bonfire Night

Jenny Caw of the Bonfire Night Team writes …

I want to let you know the final arrangements for Bonfire Night 2021.


Tickets can be purchased at Clifton Hampden Post Office until Saturday at midday, or from Jenny at Elm Close House, High St (6 doors on from Memorial Stone junction towards Pendon Museum).  Tickets will hopefully be available on the night, at the gate, but we can’t guarantee that.  Once we have sold out, we can’t admit more people I’m afraid.  Tickets are CASH ONLY.

Covid Precautions

Please do not come to the event if you have any symptoms.  Public facing volunteers are taking lateral flow tests on Saturday – it would be great if you do too.  Please do try to socially distance from other groups and be respectful to the volunteers.  Please wear masks too.


If you have dry wood that could be added to our fire, please bring it along on Saturday morning.  We cannot have leafy branches from any recent storm damage I’m afraid – it needs to be drier timber than that.  If your wood needs collecting, please email by 5pm Friday to get added to the collection route.


3:30pm Guys to be dropped in field
6pm Gates open
6:30pm Bonfire lit
7pm Fireworks

Bar / BBQ / Treats

There are some lovely stalls that will be operating and let’s face it, we will deserve a drink, burger and a sweet treat or bit of a glowing accessory!  Again, these are CASH ONLY.


Hopefully, most villagers will walk to the site – the site entrance is off the High Street next to the Pendon Museum.  As you all know, there isn’t really any spare parking down that end of the High Street, but if you really do want to try and park nearby then please be considerate of neighbours and their parking spaces.  Cones will be out and marshals will guide you safely to the site.  We have to leave the main High Street clear for emergency vehicles.  There is disabled parking in the Pendon Museum car park and marshals will guide / assist you there.

And FINALLY …. If you have an hour or two to spare on Saturday morning to help build the bonfire, please do come down to Wards Field to help, from 9.30am.

Thank you,

Jenny and crew

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