The Parish Council has now received the report from the South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) planning officer on the planning application for the Community Hub.
The report recommends approval of the plans subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement, which will cover all the technicalities of the development.
Currently, there is no timescale for the completion of the planning process which will enable building to commence. The Section 106 agreement is complicated and a number of parties are involved: the District and County Councils, the Parish Council, the Oxford Diocese (that owns a part of the school), Thomas Homes (the developer) and the landowner of the Community Hub site.
This project has been difficult and prolonged and has involved a huge input from many people in the village. The Parish Council is also indebted to Thomas Homes and the local landowner who have supported it over the last decade. The new facilities will enhance the village considerably and, despite the frustrations of the past, completion is now in sight.
If you are new to the village, the website has full details and background to the Neighbourhood Plan and the Community Hub.
This is good news for the village let us hope SODC will now stop the delays and let this project finally get started . Many thanks to those who have put so much of their time into this project we owe them our thanks for not giving up. All interested parties need to start working together for the good of all .