A grant of up to £1,500 from South Oxfordshire District Council will go towards paying for a section of new hedge and pedestrian gate at the playing field in Bodkin’s Field. This will tidy the area around the recently installed playground equipment and make a secure boundary along Northfield Lane.
The grant has come from our district councillor Sue Lawson. Each councillor has an allocation of £5,000 which they can put towards good causes in their wards. The grant will be used to fund 60% of the work with the Parish Council funding the other 40%.
The hedge layers have told the council that they will be able to retain much of the hedge and gaps will be filled in with new plants. Steve Bolton from the football club is helping to remove all the dead trees and getting rid of the debris.
The hedge laying for the full length alongside Northfield Lane is expected to cost £1,200 and the pedestrian entrance gate between £200 and £300, plus there will be an additional cost for any new planting that is needed. The football club is erecting a fence to protect children from the entrance road into the playing field.