Work has finished on a £41,000 scheme to improve the surface of a 500 metre section of the bridleway and cycle path linking Wittenham with Didcot.
The path was surfaced with hardcore ten years ago and is popular with walkers, cyclists, joggers and horse riders. The stretch from the bridge over Moor Ditch to Bow Bridge on the main B4106 road has broken up in places and needs improving. The Wittenham Vision Sustainability Committee approached the national cycling charity Sustrans for a grant and was told that £41,000 would be available for the project.
Resurfacing work includes a non-slip surface for horses. The parish council has paid £200 towards repairing part of the fencing along this stretch of the bridleway.
Ian Jones from Wittenham Vision said: ”We were fortunate to get the funding from Sustrans who had to use up their budget allocation by the end of March. The bridleway is very popular and an important link with Didcot. We are very pleased to have achieved our objective.”