It appears that Vanderbilt Homes has purchased the land on the corner of Fieldside and Didcot Road to develop the housing estate which was given outline planning permission in January 2018.
According to the Vanderbilt website, the development of two, three, four and five bedroom homes will be launched in the Summer of next year.
The company’s advertising material promotes Long Wittenham as a “particularly desirable location, providing an authentic rural feel but within close commuting distance to the nearby economic centres of Oxford and Reading.”
However, the proposed launch date next Summer seems ambitious as the Parish Council has been advised that the company has to undertake a full archaeological survey of the site. The survey fieldwork is expected to take five weeks and the subsequent reporting will take up to a further twelve months assessment and nine months analysis, depending on what the archaeological survey unearths.
Is there any appeal about the entrance to the site and awful changes to the kerb?
Has the highways passed it?
Development of this site was originally rejected by SODC.
That decision was overturned following a public inquiry and outline consent was granted.
Subsequently there was a further application to modify the previously approved highway access arrangements.
This too was refused by SODC and again was overturned at appeal.
The Parish Council strongly opposed both applications but the Planning Inspectorate were not convinced by the arguments.
Both these highway layouts have been agreed with OCC, the Highway Authority.
As far as we are aware there are no further opportunities to appeal these decisions.
Great to see them getting on with this. Will be a fantasic development for the village and providing great entertainment for my five year old watching the work progress.
Hopefully there will be many more houses built in the village soon.