Help is available for charities and community groups in the Didcot area which are finding it difficult to raise money for services.
The Didcot Powerhouse Fund is open for grant applications to help provide new sources of funding for community projects.
The fund aims to help support children, young people and families as the country begins to emerge from the pandemic. It is managed by the Oxfordshire Community Foundation and up to £80,000 is available this year to aid community bodies.
The Fund says that it is keen to attract more business donors, churches and individuals to help by making donations, services or fund-raising events. Taking a leading role is Didcot First which is hosting the Fund.
Other groups which have signed up include MEPC Milton Park, Harwell Campus, the Diamond Light Source Harwell and the supermarket chain Asda.
Details of how to apply for a grant are on the Didcot Powerhouse Fund website.