The deadline for comments on Oxfordshire Council Council’s (OCC) plans to realign the Didcot Road, install a zebra crossing and new traffic calming, to facilitate the Vanderbilt housing development on the corner of Didcot Road and Fieldside is Friday 14th February.
Residents should receive a leaflet about the proposals through their letter boxes in the next couple of days, and you can also read it here.
Details of the proposed works and how to comment are on the OCC website:
How many times do we need to oppose this pathetic planned move of the Didcot Road? We have lived here over 30 years and it MUST not be moved closer to our houses. It is the developers problem & not ours. It does not benefit any of the residents that live on it & only benefits the land owner. We live here & how many of you do?? We should be making the decisions but NOBODY is listening to us. WE LIVE HERE & know what is best.
The road is very fast. Do I want that closer to my house?? NO.
The carbon monoxide levels in the morning & evening must be so high already & our Grandchildren walk to school every day. Do they need to be closer to the exhaust pipes/fumes?? NO.
Do I want to reverse out of my drive with ZERO visibility onto a path, where there are children running & cycling past?? NO.
My husband has COPD, does he need to be closer to emissions?? NO.
Do we want to spoil the lovely drive into the village?? NO.
Do we even want the houses built on such a fast road (even with the new speed humps etc)?? NO.
Do we want to lose the lovely hedge that birds have nested in for years?? NO.
Do we want to look over into other peoples houses & gardens, or even see a house in that lovely field where the wildlife is wonderful?? NO.
Are the Councillors or planners listening to the US, the people living here and looking out of our windows every day over a road that closer & lots of new houses & cars?? NO
Do we need more traffic in Wittenham & beautiful Clifton Hampden (the bridge cannot take it now)?? NO.
Do we need to sit in gridlocked traffic if the A34 is closed, as everyone comes through here & Sutton Courtenay?? NO.
Please listen to us, the people that live here. Just think of us please & not the developers.
Thank you.
Hi Debbie,
As you may know I have been watching and opposing this development for some time and I welcome the comments you have put on the LW website. The Parish Council has worked hard to oppose this road realignment plan. But the Parish Council has no power and limited influence. The decision lies with OCC and if you, your neighbours and the rest of the village make it known that this proposal is unacceptable then there is a chance of the plans being rejected.
The new homes development is almost guaranteed to go ahead. To achieve this
Vanderbilt Homes (VdB), the development company HAS permission to move the road towards your home. They DO NOT have approval for the detailed traffic calming layout, that is what this consultation is about.
VdB does NOT want to have to move the road; it will cost a fortune, delay the building of the new homes and possibly damage VdB’s reputation. It is not in VdB’s interest.
There is another option to moving the road and that lies in OCC’s gift. If OCC transfer the ownership of the ditch to the Hub site owner then there will be NO NEED at all for the road realignment. The more noise you make at OCC the more chance there is of the two different OCC departments agreeing the sensible way forward.
If you have not already done so please send your objection to OCC Highways as soon as possible and encourage friends to do the same.