South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) has been working on a new Local Plan to shape the future of the district. Following extensive consultation and gathering of evidence, the plan is now available for public consultation (formally known as a “Regulation 19 publicity period”). The Regulation 19 publicity period is open from today until 5pm on Monday 18th February 2019.
The emerging Local Plan and its supporting studies set out a vision for South Oxfordshire up to the year 2034. Together they identify where housing, retail and employment land should be located as well as the infrastructure required to support this growth, such as new roads, schools, health services and utilities. The proposed policies in the plan will be used as the starting point to help make decisions on planning applications in the district.
You can view the plan, information about a series of drop-in events and details of how to comment here:
Residents may also wish to read a letter which our district councillor, Sue Lawson, wrote before Christmas with her comments on the plan.