Kler Planning Application Update

It was expected that Kler’s planning application for up to 36 houses on the field at the corner of Fieldside and the Didcot Road would come up before the South Oxfordshire District Council’s Planning Committee in March, but Kler have now lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate on the grounds of ‘non-determination’, i.e. SODC has failed to make a decision on the application in a reasonable time.

On balance it is believed that this will be good news for the village although there will be a lot of work to do when the case is heard, and it takes the decision out of the hands of local politicians and away from the democratic process offered by Neighbourhood Planning.

At this point it is not known how the Kler appeal will be heard, whether at a full hearing, or simply by written representations.  Nor therefore is it known when it will be heard but it could be many months in the future.

In the meantime our own Neighbourhood Plan is progressing along the prescribed path and it is hoped that this will be in place by then.

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