Long Wittenham’s bus service 97 is under threat again

The county council is organising consultation meetings throughout the  county to outline its proposals to reduce bus subsidies as it wrestles with government cuts to its budget. By 2018 the council will have to make savings of at least £290m that will affect all services provided by the council.

In October the council’s Cabinet will recommend a budget for the next financial year that will be discussed at the February budget meeting.In the meantime the council wants to hear from the public about the likely impact a cut in bus subsidies would have in communities.

To keep our bus service it is really important that we all try to use it whenever possible. Leave your car at home occasionally and get the bus. This will help protect it from future cuts.

Long Wittenham Parish Council has stressed the importance of retaining the present bus service. Withdrawal would have a major impact on the lives of many, particularly elderly and disabled people who have no access to cars and who rely on the buses to get them to Didcot for shopping and other needs. There is no village shop.

It is important that villagers let the county council know their feelings about this vital issue. The parish council urges people to complete the feedback form. The deadline for responses is September 14th.

You can read the county council’s consultation document here and feedback your views here.


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