The revised Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) continues to make good progress.
Over two years ago, following the previous consultation on the NDP, Historic England scheduled (as a Historic Monument) part of the Community Hub site included in the NDP. The site was scheduled because of evidence of an Anglo-Saxon settlement, including two significant buildings. Once a site is scheduled it is very difficult to build on it.
The site in question lies to the South of the current Vanderbilt development taking place on Didcot Road. On this site it is planned to build a new school, pre-school and village hall, as well as some houses to cross fund the community buildings.
Following the scheduling, the Community Hub plans were revised to avoid building on the scheduled section, adding a small area to the south of the original site to make up for the part lost to scheduling. This triggered a request to undertake a further archaeological investigation on the extended site. Unfortunately this new investigation revealed the possibility of more Anglo-Saxon buildings and led to further discussions with Historic England. In December, agreement was reached with Historic England that the NDP and a planning application for the revised site can proceed.
What happens now? Some changes had to be made in the NDP to reflect the new archaeological findings, and the Examiner has decided that it needs to go out to one further public consultation. This will take place between 25th January and 8th March. Further information will be found on this website and the SODC website from 25th January. Following this consultation, the Examiner should be able to pass the plan and allow it to proceed to a referendum.
I hope that this does not go ahead. The new Vanderbilt homes are far too big, too close to the road and so out of character with the village. I also think it is disgusting that they are built on top of graves!!!!. Where did all the skeletons go?? Ruined the picturesque village we had. Now this is to just get worse & keep spreading until we get to Didcot I expect.