The Parish Council’s new recruit is Liz Yuille who lives on Fieldside. Her co-option brings the total number of councillors to six, one short of the maximum number.
Liz runs an online paper crafting business and has lived in Long Wittenham for four years. She also runs paper crafting courses locally and belongs to the WI, the History Group, the Abingdon Flower Club and has ties with the parish church.
Liz said: “I take a big interest in the many local issues which have a bearing on the future of Long Wittenham and I think I can add some value to the debates. I believe it is important that residents play a role in helping shape events.”
Council chairman Gordon Rogers welcomed Liz at the February meeting of the council and said: “I am sure Liz will be a valuable asset. Her appointment will help spread the work load from the shoulders of other councillors. We face a busy time dealing with many issues not least of which is the need to focus on and shape future housing development.”
“The council is still one member short and we would welcome villagers who would like to play a part. In particular we would like to recruit someone from the Saxon’s Heath and Westfield area which at the moment is not represented on the council.”