The Parish Council held its annual meeting on 10th May where Gordon Rogers was re-elected chairman and Martin Elliff was returned as vice-chairman.
Peter Rose continues to lead for the council on the revision of the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) while Steve Brown looks after plans for the development of the Community Hub. Sally Duff liaises with village organisations and is investigating a scheme to revitalize The Pound, a small piece of land off the High Street.
Meanwhile the search continues for two people to fill vacancies on the council to play a part in guiding the future direction of the village and easing the burden on existing members.
The chairman said: “This is our community and it’s up to villagers to have their say and play a role in how Long Wittenham will progress in the years ahead. We would welcome people from the Saxons Heath and Westfield as these areas are not currently represented on the council. The job is not onerous and involves devoting some time each week to council business and attendance at the monthly meetings.”
The vice-chairman said: “We would in particular like to see a broader range of people on the council so that the views of younger residents in the village are better represented.”
To find out more about joining the parish council contact any of the current councillors whose details can be found on the councillors page of the website:
I would like to bring the councils attention to the speed problem on Saxons Heath,first issue a car was badly damaged by a person driving with a trailer on back of their vehicle they have admitted liability but if the speed had been slower this wouldnot have occurred. Also their are several people who drive up at thirty miles an hr this is ridiculous,should be no more than twenty,,,also people again from Westfield rd not looking or stopping as they come from their rd several times people have nearly been hit ,please look into this issue before an accident happens it is only a matter of time.
Thank you for your comments about speeding vehicles in Saxons Heath. I will raise it at next month’s meeting of the parish council and will seek the views of our county councillor Lynda Atkins. Road traffic signs are the responsibility of the county authority not the parish council but if it’s a serious and persistent problem in Saxons Heath then we can push the county to investigate some action.
You take a keen interest in issues at Saxons Heath and the village. Why not play a more active role and join the parish council? We have no councillors representing the Saxons Heath and Westfield areas.
Gordon Rogers
Chairman Long Wittenham Parish Council