The Parish Council has been advised by the Traffic Regulations Team at Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) that a request has been received from Earth Trust for a temporary closure to apply to the footpath at the end of Northfield Lane (Number 287/2/10) whilst essential earth works are carried out to facilitate the trust’s wetland creation project.
The temporary closure will operate from 1st May 2020 and will remain in force for a maximum period of six months or until the works have been completed, whichever is the sooner. With the advent of the Coronavirus situation, this may be delayed.
Appropriate signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are in force and a nearby local diversion route will be signed.
A map showing the extent of the closure and the alternative route is here.
There will also be local diversions on the Thames Path as a result of the work which are shown on this map.
More information about the closure from the Traffic Regulations Team (Ref:T7541/MR) at OCC on 0345 310 1111.
Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Tom Cartmel of Earth Trust on 07967 461018.
The Earth Trust should consider opening more of their land to provide a safe, more direct footpath between Long Wittenham and Clifton Hampden bridge until the Parish Council is able to secure a pavement. It remains insane we do not have a safe, reasonably direct pedestrian route to the shop and GP surgery little more than a mile away.