Living longer and living better is the drive behind the Older People’s Strategy for Oxfordshire.
The strategy sets out how Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) and the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group will deliver a positive future for the county’s older population. It was developed following feedback over a three-month period. Residents, health and charity organisations, professionals, businesses, the public sector and community groups were engaged in the strategy development so it could be grounded in what matters most to people. The strategy’s vision and priorities were specifically co-produced with a wide range of people whose work and lives it affects.
The strategy will be used to inform the planning, commissioning and delivery of services across Oxfordshire and will be monitored by the Better Care Fund Joint Management Group reporting to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
You can read the draft strategy and have your say online here:
Or you can request a paper copy of the strategy by calling 01865 334638.
The closing date for comments is 1st February 2019.