Oxfordshire Air Quality Website Consultation

Residents across Oxfordshire are being asked to help shape a new air quality community website, which will assist in raising awareness and understanding of air pollution across the county.

In March 2021, Oxford City Council was awarded £162,500 to develop the website.

The website – which is being created in partnership between Oxford City, Oxfordshire County Council, Cherwell, West Oxfordshire, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse – aims to integrate all relevant air quality related information from all district councils in Oxfordshire under one single site.

The consultation, hosted on Oxford City Council’s consultation portal, aims to identify what information residents across the county want to see on the new website to help them find more about air quality.

The information presented on the website will span a wide range of air quality subjects and will be tailored to and for different age groups and levels of expertise.  This consultation aims to identify the key issues and best ways to present this information which can at times be complex.

The consultation is asking residents for their thoughts on how they currently engage with air quality related messages, as well as their views on the website including information such as data on current air pollution levels in their area, specific types of air pollutants, and regular news about air quality projects across the county.

There is more information and the link to the survey on the Oxford Consultation website. The consultation runs until 5th September.

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One Response to Oxfordshire Air Quality Website Consultation

  1. David Corney says:

    Wow! £162K to develop a website. If done by 1 full time contractor charging, say £650 per day, that would pay for 250 days of development time. With 220 working days in a year, does it really take 13 months full time effort for a skilled contractor to develop a website?

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