A new Oxfordshire air quality website has been launched providing air quality guidance and resources across the county.
The website – www.oxonair.uk – was created in partnership between Oxford City, Cherwell, West Oxfordshire, South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse, and Oxfordshire County Councils and aims to integrate all relevant air quality-related information from all district councils in Oxfordshire under one single platform.
The platform includes several new features, including:
Air pollution forecasts up to five days in advance
Air pollution alerts for Oxfordshire
Air quality footprint calculator
Air quality pledges for individuals
Information on individual council air quality projects across the county
The website also features a map and real-time readings of monitoring stations across Oxfordshire as well as general advice on air quality, why it is important, and how it is monitored across the county.
There is more information on the Oxfordshire County Council news website.