Would you like to volunteer to be Long Wittenham’s Parish Path Warden (PPW)? This may also suit two people working together.
The main purpose of a PPW is to walk the footpaths in the parish, on a fairly regular basis, and report any serious problems to the Oxfordshire County Council Countryside Access Team.
For less serious issues, such as overgrown vegetation, part of the role as PPW will include organising occasional working groups to clear paths and help keep footpaths open.
The village has a good relationship with the Earth Trust and the PPW will liaise with the Head Ranger to understand any issues that need resolving, which can then be reported to the Parish Council.
Ideally, you will be a local person (or two) who know the footpaths in the parish well and are interested in seeing that they are kept in good condition.
David Corney has been the warden for several years and has recently stood down. If you would like more information about the role, contact David at david.r.corney@gmail.com.
To volunteer, contact the PPW Area Network Coordinator David Tole at davidtole@gmail.com and copy the Parish Clerk at longwittpc@hotmail.co.uk.
This is a very worthwhile role and will help to keep our footpaths and bridleways accessible for everyone to use safely.
With the regular walkers and also the number of dog walking families in the village I hope some of you will be able to get together and help with this relatively simple but important job.
Steve Brown. Chair LWPC