Ball games will continue to be allowed on the Green at Saxons Heath – but parents are being urged to encourage their children to use the revamped Acklings play area where there are facilities for football, cricket and basketball.
The parish council considered banning ball games on the green following complaints from some residents about noise and nuisance and the danger to children running into the road. The council delivered letters to 60 households seeking their views but only five people responded. Three were in favour of a ban on balls games and two were against.
In view of the poor response and difficulties in enforcing a ban the council has decided not to prohibit ball games on the green but will monitor the situation.
Here is a selection of views from some residents:
“I have lived at Saxons Heath and brought up five children for 50 years. The children loved to play on the green where I could keep an eye on them whilst I worked in the home. It is lovely to hear children playing outside.”
“Obviously Acklings is OK for an outing but small children could not go on their own and need to be close to home when parents have things to do in the house.Bodkins field is much better for the bigger children.”
“Could not the green be fenced off so that the children are safer from the traffic. To put a NO BALL GAMES notice up would stop almost every game children play from taking place.”
“I am 83 years of age and if I can cope with the children then surely younger folk can.”