Resignation of Councillor

Steve Brown, Chairman of the Parish Council (PC) writes …

Cllr Sally Duff has decided to leave the Parish Council after serving the village for seven years since 2016.

In her letter to me Sally said “I have very much enjoyed my time as a councillor and am proud to have been part of many successful projects.”

Sally has been involved in several significant roles for the PC.

She obtained a large grant to help rebuild the playground equipment at Westfield Road and also arranged for the work to be done all at minimal cost to the village.  Sally was the Parish Council representative on the Village Hall Committee to represent the PC’s interests and report back on its activity, and has also been a member of the PC’s HR Sub-Committee.

When The Pound needed a thorough overhaul she took the lead to organise volunteers to revamp the area and has helped organise regular clearing up since.  She has also managed numerous “odd jobs” like repainting benches outside the Village Hall, clearing the footway along the High Street, bulb planting, and help around the village.

During “lockdown” Sally organised prescription and shopping collections and also hospital lifts, and has more recently been involved in Community Speedwatch.

Sally has said she would like to continue to support PC projects where additional help is needed and will continue with Speedwatch.  She will also help organise the village litter picks, and is continuing her key role with Wittenham Warriors in support of village organisations.

I wish to thank Sally for all the time and work she has done for the PC and the village and look forward to her helping on future large projects as these come along.

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6 Responses to Resignation of Councillor

  1. Ann Tomline says:

    A thank you goes out to Sally and all who sit or have sat on Parish Councils . I know from experience that you can’t please everyone and get little or no thanks for hours of hard work put in . As a resident I would like to convey my thanks and hope another lady/ female / new gender person can come forward and offer their services . It is people like Sally who give their time to help make Long Wittenham the lovely village it is.
    Thank you

  2. Donna Harrison says:

    I am personally glad she has resigned ,rude is an understatement.

  3. Chris Waites says:

    Thank you Sally for all you have done for the village.

  4. Emma Newman says:

    Thank you so much Sally for everything you have done in your role (and indeed outside of this) to help make this village such a special place to live! With a sense of fun, you have spearheaded events and acts of kindness that have made an enormous difference to the village and to the lives of those who live here. Through events that you have organised through LWPC and the Wittenham Warriors you have fostered a sense of community spirit and raised thousands of pounds for local organisations in the process. You’ve been my first port of call for ideas which always been met with enthusiasm, creativity and support. Thank you for representing our village on the LWPC for all of these years and I hope you can enjoy a bit more time to yourself now!

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