South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) has published its housing land supply statement for the monitoring year 2019/20.
The statement confirms the number of homes that developers have built in the district in 2018/19, and how many are expected to be built over the next five years. It also compares this supply against the housing need for the next five years.
The statement includes two supply projections:
- Against the housing need without a new local plan in place. This projection provides an annual housing need of 632 homes, derived from the government’s new ‘standard method’ for working out housing need. This gives a housing land supply for 9.75 years.
- Against the housing targets set out in the local plan. This provides an annual housing need of 775 homes, but from 2021/22, an additional 495 homes a year are added to help meet Oxford’s housing need. This gives a housing land supply for 5.17 years.
Under the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal, SODC benefits from only having to demonstrate a three-year housing land supply, as opposed to the five-year supply which is typically required. However, under the terms of the Deal, it is expected that this lower threshold will be withdrawn around 2021 when the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 is in place.
When making decisions on planning applications, under both projections, SODC currently has a strong land supply position.
You can read the full statement here: