Almost £1,500 was collected in Long and Little Wittenham for this year’s annual Poppy Appeal for the Royal British Legion. This doesn’t include the amount donated using the new QR code which we will hear about at a later date.
Prew Bowtell, the villages’ Poppy Appeal Organiser, would like to pass on her thanks to the volunteer collectors and all those who generously donated to the appeal this year, raising such a fantastic amount in support of those in the Armed Forces community.
What a fantastic sum for the village to raise and a big thank you to Prew for organising never an easy job getting collectors and helpers. I am sure we all have relatives and friends who gave unstinting service in one way or another when called upon in wars past.
Why don’t we learn from the past?
What ever our views or religion or not We need to live in peace and save the Heart Ache wars cause.