The Friends of St Mary’s have organised an exciting family event for the Autumn. On Saturday 11th September there will be a Village Produce Show in St Mary’s Church from 2pm to 4:30pm.
There are prizes for adults and children with five main sections: Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables, Baking and Preserves; so start growing your prize winning flowers, fruit and vegetables now, or planning your best baking and preserving recipes.
Everyone is encouraged to submit entries. Admission to the show is 50p for adults and free for children under 16. Refreshments will be available.
Flyers and entry forms for the event should be appearing in residents’ letterboxes over the next day or two. Completed entry forms should be dropped into the submissions box at St. Mary’s Church by Sunday 5th September.
Download the show details and entry form.
For more information email
Great idea, many thanks to those organising it. Should be a really fun day.