Did you know that the Village Hall, the hub of our community, is run by a small committee of volunteers? The present committee is made up of elected members and representatives from hall users.
The hall is home to the Pre-school, Lunch Club, Good Neighbours Group, Brownies, Yoga, Pilates, Strength and Balance Class, Karate, WI, Parish Council meetings, polling at elections, plus various village events and casual hire by residents and others.
In June this year several members of the current committee will be retiring. A replacement Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Bookings’ Clerk are needed in order to run the hall as at present (an elected committee of at least five members).
Volunteers are needed who would be willing to be active in the day to day running of the hall. Providing there are enough active committee members, very little work is required.
The committee only meets three times a year, the next being on Wednesday 18th March at 8pm. Why not come along and see what goes on?
If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please contact the chairman, Barrie Henderson at henderson323@gmail.com or call 01865 407314.
Please support your local community. It is vital that some more villagers step forward to help in the running of this essential village amenity.