Your Parish Council Needs You

The Parish Council has re-launched its appeal for new members following the resignation of Iain McRitchie who joined the council a year ago.  The council is now down to five members: the chairman Gordon Rogers, vice-chairman Martin Elliff, Steve Brown, Peter Rose and Sally Duff, which leaves two vacancies.

The chairman said: “Unfortunately Iain has decided that he cannot devote sufficient time to council matters and this would not be fair on villagers, so he is stepping down.  We thank him for his contributions and hope he may be able to make a return to the council at a later date.”

The resignation comes at a difficult time for the council which is facing challenges on several fronts: the West Waddy / Lagan Homes planning application to build twenty-nine houses on land adjacent to Bodkin’s Field; planning for the Community Hub which includes a new school, pre-school, and village hall; and the re-drafting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan to make it more robust against unwanted development.

If you can spare some time to help shape the future of Long Wittenham, then please consider joining the parish council.  To find out more, contact any of the current councillors. Their details can be found on the councillors page of the website:

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