20mph Zone Working Group Report

The need for traffic speed reduction measures along Didcot Road were emphasised by Ron Carter at the fourth meeting to discuss plans for the introduction of a 20mph speed zone through the village.

Mr Carter, who lives in Didcot Road, said traffic travelled too fast in both directions.  Other speed reduction measures are needed if 20mph is to be successful.  The meeting discussed the village conservation area, implemented in recognition of the national significance of the historic village, centred on the High Street.  It contains many original buildings in their original spacious settings.

In addition, policies in the Neighbourhood Plan to restore the green verges in the High Street and reduce signage clutter could be put in place as part of a 20mph “soft landscape” designed to calm the speed of traffic.

The meeting decided that the next step is to continue to liaise with interested parties on how speed can be reduced, while at the same time improving the appearance and amenities of the village.  Ideas to be explored include narrowing the width of the road in places, more trees including wooden planting boxes and the removal of white lines.

Attending the meeting was the county council’s consultant on 20mph zones Colin Davis, county councillor Pete Sudbury, parish council chairman Gordon Rogers, parish councillor Peter Rose and Mr Carter.  The next meeting of the working group will be on 9th April.

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2 Responses to 20mph Zone Working Group Report

  1. Daavid Haylett says:

    As I have commented before unless the speed limit is enforced you can set it at any level you choose but it won’t be obeyed. As you try to turn out from Saxon’s Heath almost every car approaching from the Didcot direction triggers the 30mph illuminated sign. When I raised this with the Green Party canvasser who called the other day her solution was to put up a speed camera – more “signage clutter”! My solution, which could help, but not solve the problem, is to move the chicane to the south side of Saxon’s Heath so it is the first thing traffic from that direction encounters.

  2. Donna King says:


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