Kler Development Update

The Parish Council has received notice of a new planning application related to the proposed development of thirty-six houses on the corner of Didcot Road and Fieldside.

Residents will remember that one of the arguments against the development put forward at last year’s public enquiry was that the proposed access to the site was not viable.

Kler has now accepted that this is the case and their solution is this new planning application which proposes moving the entrance to the site 1.4 metres forward.  This means that the Didcot Road will have to be re-aligned to accommodate the new location.  The result will be the loss of verge and the footway and road being much nearer to the properties on the opposite side of the road.  This will have a direct impact on those properties.

The details of the new application can be viewed here:


The implications of this will at discussed at the village meeting on Thursday 21st June and the residents on the Didcot Road affected by these proposals will want to attend.  (If you are a tenant please notify the landlord as they may want to know the impact on their property.)

The deadline for comments to SODC Planning Department on this planning application has not yet been published but is likely to be by mid July.

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4 Responses to Kler Development Update

  1. Debra Steele says:

    How pathetic is this?????? The road is already deadly and you plan to make it closer to my house???? Really???. Come & sit outside my house at any time of the day & you councellors will see how fast this road really is. Pathetic idiots.

  2. Peter Surridge says:

    I understand that Thames raised no objection to the sewage handling capabilities of the main High Street sewer foul drain in respect of the Kler proposal, but were concerned about the effect of the Lagan homes development. In view of the blockage in the drain at the end of April, which is the third spillage onto private properties in about 12 years, they and the SODC and the Parish Council should be concerned to know what will be done to make sure this problem does not get worse. I am trying to get some facts from Thames Water. So far they have confirmed that the pipe is 150mm (6inches) in diameter. They have not so far told me where the blockage occurred, and their recent examination did not reveal any reason for the blockage. None of that gives confidence that they can avoid increasingly frequent re-ocurrences.

  3. Steve says:

    Dear Debra, Thank you for your comment on the latest planning application.
    This is NOT a proposal by the Parish and has come as a result of our sustained objections to the Kler proposals. We have always argued the traffic speeds along Didcot Road are excessive despite the traffic calming. Our surveys show 3/4 of vehicles exceed the speed limit!. We will be discussing the proposals at the village meeting on Thursday evening and later at the next formal PC meeting.
    Residents are encouraged to come along and hear what is going on with all the various plans for the village. Steve Brown LW PC

    • Debra Steele says:

      Hi Steve, It is bad enough that we may have houses opposite our house, that we bought in the country to have a nice view & some peace, but the thought of the footpath being made smaller & the road being closer to my house is pathetic & extremely dangerous. I know that 3/4 (if not more) speed (I see it all day & night). I do not want my grandchildren walking to school right next to a car driving in excess of 30 miles per hour. Would you??? Please think carefully about this. Lots of children walk or cycle to school along Didcot Road. Please oppose this as we do not want any fatalities do we? Plus lots of locals are moving away from Didcot Road, have you noticed this?? One last word, my husband Nigel has asthma & am sure the road being closer to my house, with all the disgusting fumes & pollution will not help his medical problems. Regards, Debra. 23, Didcot Road.

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