There follows the text of an email sent by South Oxfordshire District Council regarding the latest consultation on the revised Neighbourhood Development Plan:
You may recall that we carried out a publicity period on the Reviewed Long Wittenham Neighbourhood Plan in late 2018. This gave the local community and statutory consultees an opportunity to comment on the reviewed plan, which aims to replace the Long Wittenham Neighbourhood Plan adopted in October 2017.
South Oxfordshire District Council believes the Long Wittenham Neighbourhood Plan Review proposal contains significant modifications in relation to the made Long Wittenham Neighbourhood Plan (2017). The most significant modifications relate to the introduction of principles to guide development in the countryside, the identification of a green gap, and the allocation of a site to accommodate a community hub comprising of a primary school, village hall, playing fields, and enabling housing development (approximately 40-45 dwellings). As the plan proposal is considered to contain significant modifications, the plan is required to undergo an independent examination and, subject to the examiner’s recommendations, is likely to be put to a local referendum.
The plan and the responses to the previous publicity period have been submitted for independent examination and can be viewed on our website.
The independent examiner, Andrew Ashcroft, has commented on the plan. To address his comments, Long Wittenham Parish Council has instructed its consultants to update the Environmental Report accompanying the neighbourhood plan.
The parish council has considered whether the updated environmental report requires any modifications to the neighbourhood plan and has submitted a statement to confirm that in their opinion, the updated report does not require any modifications to the plan.
We are inviting the public and consultees to comment on the changes to the updated Environmental Report and the Non-technical Summary. You are also invited to comment on the statement from Long Wittenham Parish Council. This consultation will run for a six-week period, from Wednesday 20th March until 5pm on Friday 3rd May 2019.
Viewing the documents
Schedule of changes to the Environmental Report
Environmental Report
Schedule of changes to the non-technical summary
Non-technical Summary
Long Wittenham Parish Council Statement
Hard copies of the documents are available to view at The Plough Inn, 24 High Street, Long Wittenham, Abingdon, OX14 4QH between 12 noon and 11pm Monday to Sunday.
The documents are also available to view at South Oxfordshire District Council’s office, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4SB during usual opening hours.
Submitting your comments
You can provide your comments by:
writing to Planning Policy, South Oxfordshire District Council, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4SB
Your contact details
As the neighbourhood planning process includes an independent examination, your name and address are required for your comments to be considered.
Responses to the publicity period will be forwarded to the independent examiner. This will include comments, names and contact details and is required by Part 5, Regulation 17 of the Town and Country Planning (Neighbourhood Planning) Regulations 2012. We have received assurance that the data will be kept securely and not used for any other purpose.
The examiner will retain the data until after we decide whether or not to adopt the plan and the deadline for a Judicial Review has passed. This is six weeks after a decision notice has been published. South Oxfordshire District Council will hold the data for up to six years after a decision notice has been published.
Representations submitted by individuals will be published on our website alongside their name. No other contact details will be published. Representations submitted by businesses or organisations will be published in full, including contact details. If you would like to know more about how we use and store your data, please visit
Thank you in advance for participating. If you have any queries or require any of the documents in an alternative format, please contact Planning Policy on 01235 422600 or email