West Waddy Development

Within the next few days residents will be receiving leaflets from a company called West Waddy ADP detailing proposals for a new housing development on the land next to Bodkins Field.

Members of the parish council met with representatives of West Waddy before Christmas and expressed the opinion that the proposals conflict with our Neighbourhood Development Plan.  The parish council will discuss this at the next parish council meeting on the 8th February.

In the meantime, residents are encouraged to comment on the proposals directly to West Waddy.  We understand that details of how to do this are on the leaflets.

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6 Responses to West Waddy Development

  1. Jane May says:

    It is disturbing that our village seems to be under threat again from another sizeable speculative development in a “green lung” of the village adjacent to Bodkins Field, with vehicle access adjacent to the upgraded playground area & the other access at a flooding point of the Clifton Hampden Road.
    Please make your views known to the Parish Council!

  2. Admin says:

    Jane makes very good points. Do also make you views known directly to West Waddy at:


  3. Keith Jennings says:

    Jane has raised the issue of flooding. On several occasions the flood has attained a depth of 3 feet or more!
    The floods occur most years and on occasion twice a year the new residents will be obliged to use the secondary access onto Northfield lane and out at the junction with Little Wittenham road. This is already a busy and dangerous crossing where the school bus stop is situated and will exacerbate the rush hour chaos experienced by the whole village.

  4. Les Ormonde says:

    Although legally, Northfield lane is a footpath, the West Waddy development proposes ‘secondary’ vehicular access onto Northfield lane, which is already plagued with speeding traffic, presenting a danger to children walkers, cyclists etc. If the Clifton Hampden road floods, or it becomes to difficult to join because of the already high flow of traffic, then it is not hard to see that Northfield lane will become a rat run. The junction with Little Wittenham road is already dangerous and this would make it more so.

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